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The A, B, C’s of Me! (or everything you never thought you’d want to know about yours truly!) LOL

by Elizabeth on September 23, 2019


So many of you are new and probably don’t know much at all about yours truly - your lovely Savvy Shopper!  I’m always getting questions about how old I am, what else I do, how many kids I have, where I live, etc, and I decided to try to answer all of that in a cute little acrostic.

THEN I want you to try it!  If you have a blog, post your ABC Acrostic and link it back here.  If you don’t have a blog, just do your ABC’s in the comments.  I can’t wait to learn about ya’ll! :)

A:  Assertive

B:  Believable

C:  Cholangitis - I have a disease called PSC - Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis.  It’s a hardening of the bile ducts.  Just a fact of life.

D:  Determined

E:  Eggs - my favorite breakfast food and snack!

F:  Food pantry - I manage our church’s food pantry.  With coupons!

G:  Good looking - or so my husband says.  Love my hubby!

H:  Heart.  My husband says I’d give away the house to the needy if he wasn’t here to stop me.

I:  Irritable.  Yep, I can be a real pain in the fanny sometimes.

J:  Jesus.  Couldn’t make one single step without Him.

K:  Kindness.  The trait I admire most in others that I’m trying to develop in myself.  It’s one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit and I want everyone to know He lives in me!

L:  Life.  I sometimes forget it’s a gift and take it for granted.  I hate that about myself.ll in my

M:  Missing.  I think I lost some of my brain cells when I was pregnant (remember preggo brain?) and I don’t think they ever came back.

N:  News.  I always have my radio on Fox News in the truck.   I’ve heard about way more than my share of California freeway chases from Shepard Smith.  :)

O:  Otterbox - the thing I have to have for my phone since I’m so rough with it.  Replaced one screen - won’t be doing that again I hope.

P:  Poetry - I used to love to write poetry in high school.  I think blogging has grown out of that.  I’m still writing to my heart’s content - just with a different spin!

Q:  Quantity AND Quality - that’s what I want for this blog.

R:   Respect.  One of the bedrock qualities I was taught as a child that I’m trying to instill in my own kids.

S:  Stella and Dot the most fun I’ve had in a long time, styling ladies with beautiful jewelry in their home.

T. Trustworthy.  I will take your secrets to the grave with  me.

U:  Up - I have a fear of heights and especially high bridges.

V:  Vestavia Hills, AL - my hometown.

W:  Wood.  I love wood.  Wood floors, wood carvings, trees, wooden dough bowls, tables, I just love the look and feel of real quality wood.

X.   Xaveria - the name of one of my ex-boyfriend’s cars!

Y:   Yes.  A word I say constantly -sometimes too much!

Z.  Zebra.  Yes, I love Zebra pelts and no, I don’t have one and yes, I did consider the word ZANY but that’s just not me! LOL


So now, what about you?  What are the ABC’s of you?


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