So many of you are new and probably don’t know much at all about yours truly - your lovely Savvy Shopper! I’m always getting questions about how old I am, what else I do, how many kids I have, where I live, etc, and I decided to try to answer all of that in a cute little acrostic.
THEN I want you to try it! If you have a blog, post your ABC Acrostic and link it back here. If you don’t have a blog, just do your ABC’s in the comments. I can’t wait to learn about ya’ll!
A: Assertive
B: Believable
C: Cholangitis - I have a disease called PSC - Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. It’s a hardening of the bile ducts. Just a fact of life.
D: Determined
E: Eggs - my favorite breakfast food and snack!
F: Food pantry - I manage our church’s food pantry. With coupons!
G: Good looking - or so my husband says. Love my hubby!
H: Heart. My husband says I’d give away the house to the needy if he wasn’t here to stop me.
I: Irritable. Yep, I can be a real pain in the fanny sometimes.
J: Jesus. Couldn’t make one single step without Him.
K: Kindness. The trait I admire most in others that I’m trying to develop in myself. It’s one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit and I want everyone to know He lives in me!
L: Life. I sometimes forget it’s a gift and take it for granted. I hate that about myself.ll in my
M: Missing. I think I lost some of my brain cells when I was pregnant (remember preggo brain?) and I don’t think they ever came back.
N: News. I always have my radio on Fox News in the truck. I’ve heard about way more than my share of California freeway chases from Shepard Smith.
O: Otterbox - the thing I have to have for my phone since I’m so rough with it. Replaced one screen - won’t be doing that again I hope.
P: Poetry - I used to love to write poetry in high school. I think blogging has grown out of that. I’m still writing to my heart’s content - just with a different spin!
Q: Quantity AND Quality - that’s what I want for this blog.
R: Respect. One of the bedrock qualities I was taught as a child that I’m trying to instill in my own kids.
S: Stella and Dot the most fun I’ve had in a long time, styling ladies with beautiful jewelry in their home.
T. Trustworthy. I will take your secrets to the grave with me.
U: Up - I have a fear of heights and especially high bridges.
V: Vestavia Hills, AL - my hometown.
W: Wood. I love wood. Wood floors, wood carvings, trees, wooden dough bowls, tables, I just love the look and feel of real quality wood.
X. Xaveria - the name of one of my ex-boyfriend’s cars!
Y: Yes. A word I say constantly -sometimes too much!
Z. Zebra. Yes, I love Zebra pelts and no, I don’t have one and yes, I did consider the word ZANY but that’s just not me! LOL
So now, what about you? What are the ABC’s of you?